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有关*本科论文怎么写 和江南药痴*地契16000余张年代久远,地域遍布20多个省市方面本科论文怎么写

主题:收藏论文写作 时间:2024-02-12



收藏论文参考文献 药事管理论文药事管理学论文

一张、两张地契、土地证也许大家见过,但是从明清以来、直至中华人民共和国土改后,遍布全国2 0多个省市的16 0 0 0 余张地契,你见过吗?德清县号称“江南药痴”的陆有仁就有这些地契.近日,笔者走进坐落在德清县武康镇舞阳街中段隐龙坞的“陆有仁中草药博物馆”,目睹并详细了解了这些地契地证的来历.

今年6 0岁的陆有仁出生在中医世家,自幼喜欢中医.1981年开始在钟管行医、坐堂门诊至今,一开始就从事各类*.那时在收集整理中医古籍、金石、陶瓷器具之余,每年都会*几十张地契.大约是1996年与县博物馆的朱建明聊天时讲起地契的意义,他开始有意识地收集地契.









TCM Doctor and 1,600Land Title Deeds

By Wang Futian

60-year-old Lu Youren is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). His clinic is situated at Yinlongwu in Wukang Town,Deqing County north of Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang Province.From a family of TCM doctors, he began to study the medicineat a very young age and set up his clinic in 1981 at age 23. Atthe same year, he started collecting ancient TCM literature, sealsof stone and metal, and porcelains. Back then dozens of land titledeeds came into his possession, but he didn’t pay much attention to them at first. It was not until 1996 after he had a talk with ZhuJianming, an expert with the county’s museum, about the deeds inhis collection that he came to understand the significance of theancient land transaction documents and began to look for themseriously.

Land title deeds come to him largely through two channels. Hevisits paper mills and antique markets frequently. Paper mills helarge stocks of books to be recycled as a raw material. He combsthe stocks to see if there are any TCM books. Antique markets offeranother opportunity to find secondhand TCM books. In order to buyTCM herbs, he trels across the country. His collection now boastsdeeds from over 20 provinces and municipalities.

Land deeds from the Ming (1368-1644) and the Qing (1644-1911) dynasties account for the majority of Lu’s deed collection.The oldest goes back to the period of 1573 to 1620 when EmperorWanli ruled. Most of the deeds in his collection were issued in Zhejiangand Jiangsu, a region known for economic prosperity fromvery ancient times. Shandong, Shanxi, Yunnan, Guangdong alsocontribute a certain amount of the deeds to the collection. In ancientChina, one way to mark years and centuries was to say somethinghappened during the years under the rule of a certain emperor. Thedeeds in Lu’s collection follow this rule of marking years. Emperorsof the Qing Dynasty are mentioned in many of these documents.There are deeds made in the years of the Republic of China (1911-1949). In Lu’s opinion, the most special is a deed which he purchaseda few years ago for 5,000 yuan. It is a deed issued during thefirst year of the Emperor Hongxian (Yuan Shikai 1859-1916). Heruled as Emperor of China for only 83 days in 1916.

The deeds in Lu’s collection tell a lot about the past. A land titledeed indicates how the title changes hands. Usually, a deed issigned by four, the buyer and the seller in the transaction, the middleman,and the scribe who makes the document. Some are called“red deeds” because they are sealed in red by a government stamp.Those without a government seal are referred to as “black deeds”.In November 1953, the name Land Title Deed was replaced by thenew title: Land Title Certificate.

Before paper was invented in history, land title deeds in Chinawere made in wood, stone and brick. In Lu’s collection are twowood deeds. Each bears a map carved on it. In the past, paper deedswere handwritten by scribes. The regular script and the cursivescript are the most common calligraphic scripts used in these deeds.The scripts offer an aesthetic value for appreciation.

“Land title deeds were legal documents that record details ofland transactions in the history of China. These are valuable historicalrecords,” commented Lu. He has sorted out over 6,000 deedsand had them processed technically so that they can be preservedpermanently. There are more land title deeds in his collection to besorted out and processed. Many in his collection are deeds abouttransactions of mountains, ponds, woods, farmlands and lakes,reflecting the regional characteristics of Jiaxing and Huzhou, twokey cities in the north of the province. These deeds not only recordancient place names but also indicate economy, land prices andtaxations of the past.

“These deeds would be meaningless if the collection stays at myhome. I hope they can be exhibited in a special museum,” said theTCM doctor. He hopes that the deed collection can be made knownto more people and yield academic results that contribute to a betterunderstanding of the past.


北镇抚司锦衣卫沈炼在追查案件中身陷阴谋,为了证明清白,与少女北斋,同僚裴纶协力查明真相 整部剧围绕明朝锦衣卫展开 作为明史的一种符号,魏忠贤、东厂和锦衣卫……随着影片的热映,在这段时间也备受热议 然而.

想知道苏轼一生的故事,在百度百科输入“苏轼”,资料数万字 在密密麻麻的文字里翻检半天,能七七八八地拼凑出——“出生眉州”,&ld.

潘北平,迈博软通公司创始人,在共享式办公空间—优客工场办公 在“共享式办公空间”的提供者之一优客工场,聚集着很多初创公司,它们有着“小而美”.

清风徐来,青鸟缓落于荷干上,莲,不枝不蔓,互和着天朗气清,花朵或盛大开放,或含苞待放,透过露水的晶莹,明亮着晨日的阳光 戏水的鸳鸯,一如既往的成双成对,在河面划出浅浅的涟漪,伴着清雅的荷花,成就着千年.
