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从恩师到密友类论文如何写 跟从恩师到密友:你令爱了不起相关在职毕业论文范文

主题:从恩师到密友论文写作 时间:2024-02-04




During my first year in college, I was silent. Inever skipped class and read every page assigned tome, but I didn’tspeak. My curiosity was insatiable,and I spent many quiet hours in the library, readingand thinking, but I was so afraid of failing, so waryof my physical presence in the world that I satmutely in lectures, scribbling in my notebook andmarveling at how articulate everyone else seemedto be.

During my sophomore year I declared a reli原gion major and took a class from Barbara, ayoung theologian. As my mind was split open bya range of new thinkers and writers, and by thequality of Barbara’squestions, I finally had some原thing to say. I started talking, and then I couldn’tstop. I was a frequent visitor during Barbara’sof原fice hours, a rocket of words. She listened, calmlyresponded and helped me organize my erraticthoughts.

I spent my junior year in Dublin, and thatspring Barbara sent me an email announcing thebirth of her daughter. I quickly typed a note ofcongratulations and wandered to a nearby coffeeshop, feeling strangely weepy. I realized that Iloved Barbara for the ways in which she reflectedan ideal version of who I wanted to be. What didI know, if anything, about her life?

Gradually, I learned more. During my senioryear, when Barbara was my thesis advisor, I washer daughter’sbabysitter. That year, when I wasawarded a Fulbright scholarship, I sprinted toBarbara’s office in the basement of the schoolchapel. We whooped loudly, our voices echoingscandalously out of tune with the school choirpracticing upstairs.

Over the intervening years I visited Bar原bara’s family home in Palo Alto, California,when she and her husband took teaching jobs atStanford, watched her much older girl fall in lovewith sharks and Disney and later, Dance Revolu原tion. Barbara wrote me countless letters of recom原mendation as I skipped around the country, firstfor social service jobs and later for graduateschool in theology and writing.

Our relationship gradually deepened, but I was always conscious of a teacher-student dy原namic. We were always slightly cautious,both abit guarded. This changed fundamentally when Ibecame a parent.

When I had my son in March 2010, Barbarawas one of the first to congratulate me. Whenmy child was diagnosed with Tay-Sachs diseasenine months later, she wrote me a letter—hand原written, on a white legal pad. My son died be原fore he turned 3, and Barbara wrote me regularletters for the two and half years of his illness;remarkable letters that are revealing, loving andkind. Honest. Full of rage and searching.

When I began writing about my son and mygrief experience in a very public blog format,beering away on essays long into the night,Barbara responded to each one. Her husband wasworried, she wrote, that reading my posts andpeering so deeply into another’sdespair wouldupset her.

Each week Barbara responded to the work原ings of an inner life of which she had been oneof the primary architects. I posted essays nearlyevery day in 2011, and I waited for Barbara’sletters, the familiar handwriting and Palo Altoaddress, with the same anticipation of decadesbefore when I had eagerly skipped to the backpage to read her notes on a theology paper.Barbara’sletters were not just about mywork and what was happening with my son, butabout her life as well. At first she worried aboutdiscussing the family vacation and the events ofher daily life because she didn’twant to boreme, or hurt me, or make me feel rage. But Iwanted to know, I wrote back. I wanted to peer into the life of someone whose family and chil原dren weren’tfalling apart.

In one letter written with visibly shakyhandwriting during a turbulent plane ride, I be原gan to realize that I hadn’t really known her atall—not until now—when she revealed moreabout herself than she ever had. Last summershe wrote, “I’m sending you lots of love andpositive thoughts. Hope you feel it.”I did, andI do.

Yes, we had decades of shared history be原hind us, but now we had truly gotten to knowand love one another as women, thinkers, moth原ers;in a word, equals. This switch from youth原ful adoration to a more nuanced relationship in原cluded an element of loss. I was no longeryoung, foolishly believing that possibilities wereendless. Our correspondence signaled an adultawareness of mortality, that death is always clos原er than we think. Our relationship had evolved,grown up.

The most recent letter was the most person原al, and perhaps the most profound. She told methe story about her daughter’sbirth, one thatwould never he been included in an emailannouncement. After her daughter was born, shewas taken away and a nurse arrived to take careof Barbara, to wash and comfort her. “Timeseemed to stop,”she wrote,“and this moment inwhich the flow of time seemed to be completelysuspended, my thought was this:this is a bap原ti, and this is the moment when I become aparent, this is the anointing.”She went on to saythat she believed my experience of parenting aterminally ill child had made me a better person,not in a superficial, moralistic sense, but“I thinkhe’ade you better by opening up the greatfire of your love”with his “all but magnifi原cent existence.”I he never in my life read amore deeply comforting sentence, one that spoketo my grandest hopes, my deepest fears, and theonly faith that remains to me, which is a beliefin chaos. Our love had bloomed and deepened;from a guarded mutual respect to a richer, deep原er friendship.

In this letter, written almost exactly twoyears after the first, Barbara writes, “Be strong,be weak—whatever you need. It is a holy andfrightening time, but you are not alone.”I feltconnected to another person by a long line ofknowing, and understood that this watchful ob原servation, this witness, is the only way to miti原gate the vast loneliness of grief. I realized withrelief and gratitude that on those cool autumnnights 20 years ago as I marched across campusafter class, my head down, stomach grinding,heart pounding, feeling so singular, so lonely, sosilent and terrified and contained and yet also,brimming, I was not—and never he been—alone.







我的儿子于2010 年3 月出生,芭芭拉是最先向我道贺的人之一.九个月后,我的孩子被诊断出患有泰—萨克斯症,当时,她给我写了一封信———手写的,在一个白色的拍纸簿上.我儿子在不到三岁时就去世了,而芭芭拉在他生病的这两年半里定期和我通信;这些非同寻常的信件充满了启迪、爱心和友善.真诚.充满了愤怒和求索.


每个星期,芭芭拉都会对一个人内心世界的作品作出回复,而她正是这个世界最初的建筑师之一.在2011 年,我几乎每天都会发帖,同时等待芭芭拉的来信,等待那熟悉的笔迹和帕罗奥图的地址,这份期待,如同数十年前我迫不及待地翻跳至一篇神学论文的最后一页,去阅读她的评语时的感受一般.





写这封信的时间距离第一封差不多刚好两年,芭芭拉在信中写道:“要坚强,也要软弱———你需要怎样便怎样.这是个神圣而且让人恐惧的时刻,但你并不孤单.”我感到自己与另一个人因长期了解而紧密相连,并明白这种审慎的观察、这种智慧是唯一减缓悲伤中那巨大孤独感的方法.我满心宽慰且感激地意识到,在20 年前那些清凉的秋夜里,当我课后独自行走于校园时,我脑袋低垂,腹中翻搅,心跳急遽,感觉如此怪异,如此孤独,如此沉默和恐惧,克制自己,同时又情感满溢,但我并不———也从不———孤单.


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