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世界有关论文范文资料 与世界各地的常用身体语言类毕业论文格式模板范文

主题:世界论文写作 时间:2024-01-30



世界论文参考文献 常用工具软件论文体育世界期刊中国和世界的关系论文世界哲学杂志

When studying foreign speech, don’t forget about body language, says AnneMerritt.


Something as simple as a ile can display friendliness in one culture, embarrasentin another, impatience in a third. Even silence means different things in different places.


Language learners will put a lot of time (and money) into mastering the vocabularyand structure of a foreign language without ever considering these non-linguistic parts ofcommunication.


To help you master these significant parts of communication – or simply oid makingan embarrassing faux pas – here are four non-verbal traits that vary from culture to culture…为了帮助大家掌握这些交流中的重要方面——或者只是简单地避免失态——以下是四种在多个国家文化中各不相同的身体语言……



When trying to communicate through a language barrier, it’s natural to use gesturesas a way of illustrating your point. We assume it’s helpful, since our words are beinisually reinforced. Hand motions are, however, culturally relative, and the wronggesture can inadvertently lead to confusion or offence.


The thumbs-up sign is equivalent to the middle finger in Greece and Sardinia. Tappingyour finger to your temple is a gesture to show memory in North America, but suggestsinsanity in Russia. Even nodding yes or shaking one’s head no can be misunderstoodabroad. The yes-no gestures are reversed in countries like Bulgaria and Albania. In Turkey,“no” is gestured by nodding the head up and back.


It’s not just the individual gestures that can cause miscommunication, but the rateof gesturing. Some societies, like Italy and Spain, are known for talking with their hands.Others are more reserved with body movement as a form of politeness. In parts of EastAsia, gesturing is considered boorish behiour, and would be rude in a professionalsetting.



Though it can feel like a void in communication, silence can be very meaningful indifferent cultural contexts. Western cultures, especially North America and the UK, tend toview silence as problematic. In our interactions at work, school, or with friends, silenceis uncomfortable. It is often perceived as a sign of inattentiveness or disinterest.


In other cultures, however, silence is not viewed as a negative circumstance. InChina, silence can be used to show agreement and receptiveness. In many aboriginalcultures, a question will be answered only after a period of contemplative silence. InJapan, silence from women can be considered an expression of femininity.Though theNorth American/European instinct may be to fill the silence, this can be cross-culturallyperceived as pushy and arrogant.




Britain, along with much of Northern Europe and the Far East, is classed as a“non-contact” culture, in which there’s very little physical contact in people’sdaily interactions. Even accidentally brushing someone’s arm is grounds for an apology.By comparison, in the high-contact cultures of the Middle East, Latin America, andsouthern Europe, physical touch is a big part of socialising.


What’s more, there are different standards for who touches whom and where. Inmuch of the Arab world, men hold hands and kiss each other in greeting, but would neverdo the same with a woman. In Thailand and Laos, it is taboo to touch anyone’s head,even children.


In South Korea, elders can touch younger people with force when trying to get througha crowd, but younger people can’t do the same. Naturally, these different standards of contact can lead to misunderstanding. An Argentinian may see a Scandinian as cold andaloof, while the Scandinian may see the Argentinian as pushy and presumptuous.


Eye Contact


In most western countries, frequent eye contact is a sign of confidence andattentiveness. We tend to assume that a conversation partner who looks away is eitherdisengaged or lying. Of course, this is not the standard around the world.


In many Middle Eastern countries, same-gender eye contact tends to be moresustained and intense than the western standard. In many Asian, African, and LatinAmerican countries, however, this unbroken eye contact would be considered aggressiveand confrontational. These cultures tend to be quite conscious of hierarchy, and oidingeye contact is a sign of respect for bosses and elders. In these parts of the world, childrenwon’t look at an adult who is speaking to them, and nor will employees to their bosses.



摘要2016年初,英国BBC播出纪录片中国新年,引发了一轮收视热潮 中国新年的成功得力于它用世界通用的纪录片叙事艺术讲述了发生在中国的新年故事 主要表现在以平民化的叙事视角、丰富的叙事元素和精妙的叙事.

2018年5月20日,北京语言大学(下文简称北语)第十五届世界文化节落下帷幕 当天,30多个国家的驻华使节、社会各界人士与来自102个国家和地区的中外青年学生,共同参加了世界文化节游园会 据不完全统计.


【摘 要】本文以徐州汉画像石(砖)中女乐袖舞为研究对象,在实地考察的调查基础之上,对影响汉代女乐袖舞的文化背景以及发展语境进行梳理,从直观与抽象两个层面,对汉画像石中女乐袖舞的体姿呈现进行描述,对女乐.
