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人体方面本科论文开题报告范文 与和人体部位有关的习语方面论文怎么写

主题:人体论文写作 时间:2024-03-18



人体论文参考文献 韩语论文网教育刊物卷首语论文致谢语人体工程学论文



As we all known,Bai Yansong is a golden mouth at CCTV.众所周知,白岩松是电视台著名的主持人.

He is stilla green hand in his new job.干新工作他还是个新手.

Grey hairs are well looked after in our country.在我国,老年人受到无微不至的关怀.

Long hairs like hanging out in their free time.女性喜欢在空闲时间逛街.

The old man is an old elf(老顽童)and he likes playing with rosy cheeks.这位老人是个老顽童,他喜欢与孩子们一起玩耍.

The white beard is very good at chatting with others.这位老人擅长和他人聊天.


Many hands make light work.众人拾柴火焰高.

Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮.

A large number of best brains from abroad are greatly needed in our country.我国急需大量海归优秀人才.

The big fire took away 1 18 souls.这场大火夺走了1 1 8人的生命.

On National Day,there is a huge sea of faces on Ti´ an men Square.国庆节期间,天安门广场上人山人海.

The man was the nose of the conspiracy.这人是这起阴谋的告密者.

The heel was caught by the police at last.这个小偷最终被逮住.

Serving as a muscle for triad make him in prison in the end.充当黑社会打手最终使他锒铛入狱.

\Nars often result in lots of mouths.战争往往产生大量难民.

The order came that 2,000 foot be sent to the front at once.命令传来,2000名步兵应立刻被派往前线.


As parents, we should shoulder the cost of education for our c…dren.作为父母,我们应当承担孩子们的教育费用. The boy tiptoed to ask for more candy.这个男孩踮着脚想多要些糖果. There being no bus,they had to foot the rest of their journey.由于没有公交车,他们不得不步行走完了余下的行程.

The two boys elbowed each other for it这两个男孩为此事互相推搡.

He handed the old granny out of bus.他搀扶着这位老奶奶下了公交车.

Cheer up l will back you firmly 搌作点,我会坚决支持你的

He eyed the notice alittle,and left quickly.他看了一下通知,就急匆匆地走了.


She has a tooth for bananas.她喜欢吃香蕉.

My mother has a nose for ells.我妈妈对气味很敏感.

To our surprise,he had a unique ear for classical music.令我们吃惊的是,他对古典音乐竞有如此独特的鉴赏力.

Look \Nhat a good leg she has 看她的舞跳得多美啊

Tom has a head for computers, so his boss let him do a programming job.汤姆擅长电脑技术,因此老板让他做编程工作.

The woman has a sharp tongue, making all his neighbors dislike her at a¨_这位妇女说话尖酸刻薄,邻居们都不喜欢她.

As a good friend of his, you should put finger on his mistakes directly.作为他的一位好友,你应该直接指出他的错误之处.

\Nould you please keep an eye on my toy dog while l am out?我外出时麻烦你照料一下我的宠物狗好吗?

M r.Smith has China hand.史密斯先生是个中国通.


He has an England hand, and you can ask him for more information about it他是个英国通,你可以向他索求更多的相关信息.

He got a green eye last week.上周他得了红眼病.

You he a good hand and you can make…你写一手漂亮字,肯定能行

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it世上无难事,只怕有心人.

He is a big mouth,so we can´t tell him the secret.他是个口无遮拦的人,我们不能把这个秘密告诉他.

As you know,he has two left feet.你知道,他并不擅长跳舞.

Jack and Tom are neck and neck in math.汤姆和杰克在数学方面不分上下.

He is my right arm in the job.他是我工作上的得力助手.

The expensive car cost him an arm and a leg.这辆豪车花了他的血本.

You need to bone up on your English.你得好好学习英语.

\Nake up Lazy bones 起床了 懒虫

He has a bird brain,so he can´t work it out.他并不聪明,他是解不出这道题的.

\Nhy did you say it tongue in cheek?当时你为何说些风凉话?

The boy often gets his back up.这个男孩常常惹他生气.

Unexpectedly,she turned her back on his kind help.出人意料地是,她竟然拒绝了她的好心帮助.

\Ne he to put our foot down on that.我们必须阻止那件事.

\Nill you give me a hand with it?你能帮我一下口马?

l´m going to try my hand at baseball this weekend.这周末,我要去试试打垒球.

He looks down in the mouth today.\Nhat´s the matter?他今天看起来很沮丧,怎么回事啊?

I don’like his mouth我不喜欢他说的话.

Greedy folks he long arms.心贪手长.


英语和汉语是建立在两种不同文化的基础上的,两者各有各的特点,同时两者也反映了自己独特的文化和历史传统 一位名人说“语言能忠实地反映整个国家的文化、历史,同时也忠实地反映了各种信仰、偏见和娱.

英语习语是英语民族经过长期社会实践沉淀下来的语言形式,它们像镜子一样折射出英语语言的文化内涵、隐喻认知模式及特别的语用含义(张镇华……,2006) 英语习语作为一种比喻性语言在本族语者的交流中出现频率.

个体差异因素对泰国学生二语习得的影响朱米罗(云南师范大学 云南华文学院、国际汉语教育学院,云南 昆明 650500)摘 要个体差异因素是客观存在的,个体差异因素包括认知风格、个体智商、学习动机、学习风.

韩舒婷(重庆师范大学涉外商贸学院 重庆 401520)【摘 要】英语是如今使用范围最广的一门语言,对于英语学习者来说,能否学好英语对其自身的发展有着不小的影响 在现代社会,英语也是在各行业极受重视的.
