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关于美食文化方面论文范文素材 和感恩节的美食文化有关毕业论文范文

主题:美食文化论文写作 时间:2024-03-30



美食文化论文参考文献 企业文化期刊中国文化论文企业文化杂志社企业文化的论文

Edward Winslow’s account details that “they went out and killed five deer” and mentions that “our governor sent four men on fowling” and that “they four, in one day, killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside,served the company almost a week.” While it is possible that turkeys may he been killed, it is more likely that ducks or geese were the primary targets.

根据爱德华·温斯洛的记载,他们那时外出捕杀了五头鹿. “长官共派了四个人去抓鸟.这四个人运气不错,一天就找到了几乎够一周吃的东西. ”这些人有可能杀火鸡来庆贺,但鸭子和鹅更可能成为那时候人的首选.

In addition, the crops grown by both settler and Native American would he graced that early thanksgiving dinner. Corn, squash, potatoes, yams,even wheat to make bread were, in all probability, shared and enjoyed.


Today there is such a large variety of food to choose from that a Thanksgiving Dinner can feature almost any main course. True, the traditional turkey is still the meat of choice, yet goose, duck, ham, even some of the sea’s harvests can be used. In place of sweet potatoes, peas, greens,and even more exotic vegetables all make their way to this celebration of Thanksgiving and harvest.


The key to a Thanksgiving menu is to choose foods that will represent the idea of giving thanks for a good year, a harvesting of good fortune, and the sharing of the bounty of your efforts with friends and family. In today’s world, the only limit on preparing a Thanksgiving Dinner is an individual’s imagination and creativity.

感恩节食谱的择选关键在于: 食物要有好的寓意,要能够表达出对好年头、对好运气的感恩之心,以及与朋友、家人共同分享的宽宏之心.现如今,人们准备感恩节大餐什么都不缺,唯一可能碰到的困难就是缺乏想象力和创造力.


本文立足于珠海市休闲美食文化发展现状,结合金湾区湿地公园建设规划及实地调研,提出金湾区以休闲美食文化发展的机遇和挑战 一、本课题研究的现状及其意义金湾区的绿地系统以“生态优先、区域优化、完.


摘 要文化综艺节目是近几年来获得收视率口碑双佳的电视综艺节目,朗读者是文化综艺节目中成功案例,全新的文化传播理念、内容定位、节目模式、节目团队和节目运作模式是其竞争力的主要原因 关 键 词核心竞争力;.

一、节事旅游与文化传播节事旅游是非定居者出于参加节庆(festival)和特殊事件(specialevent)的目的而引发的旅游活动,属于旅游活动中的专项或特种旅游活动 这种旅游活动能提供给游客参与体.
