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学习方面学士学位论文范文 与在学习场景中凸显英语的文化性方面论文范文

主题:学习论文写作 时间:2024-03-03



学习论文参考文献 关于英语教学的论文关于教育的英语论文英语论文提纲模板英语文摘杂志




例如,译林版《牛津小学英语》5B Unit 1 A new term Part A的教学片段:

T: Su Hai and Su Yang he eight subjects this term. What about you? What subjects do you he?

T(出示本班课程表):Look, this is our timetable. How many English lessons do you he in a week?How many Maths lessons do you he in a week?

T: Lisa is an English girl. She is a student of Grade Two in a primary school . Let’s look at her timetable. Discuss her timetable.




例如:译林新版《英语》六上 Unit 4 Holiday fun的教学

Step 1 Free talk

T: First, let’s sing a song——Month Song.

T: There are many pictures about holidays in the song. Today we are going to learn how to make a newspaper on holidays. What holiday do you know ?


Step 2 Introduce Thanksgiving.

T: Do you want to know more about Thanksgiving?

Here’s a short video.(播放视频)

T:Now, can you say something about Thanksgiving?

S: People usually eat turkeys , pumpkin pies and apple pies .They usually watch the Thanksgiving parades and football games.

Step 3 Make a newspaper

T:OK, Thanksgiving is very important in USA, just like Mid-Autumn Festival in China.People usually he a big dinner with their families and friends . I want to make a newspaper about Thanksgiving. Who can come and help me?(请3个学生上来一起做报纸)

T:First ,take a piece of paper . Then write down the name of the holiday. Next, paste some pictures and short passages about the holiday. At last. decorate it. It makes it beautiful. (边讲边贴, 询问学生的意见,为其他学生示范)

T:OK, this is my newspaper. Would you like to make a newspaper like this ?

T:Let’s choose a holiday. Look, here are six Easter Bunnies, everyone has an Easter Egg. There is a puzzle about holiday in it. You can choose one. Which one would you like ?

Ghos(Halloween) Santa Claus (Christmas) Eggs(Easter) Rice dumplings(Dragon Boat Festival)Turkey(Thanksgiving) Dumplings(Spring Festival)

T:Now, discuss with your group members about this holiday and make a newspaper like this.



T: Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks.

T:Let’s give thanks.I want to be the first one. I’d like to give thanks to my job, so I can be here with you , my lovely students . And I’d like to give thanks to my parents...Now,who wants to try ?

Step 4 Assign homework




以译林新版《英语》六上 Unit 5 Signs(Checkout time)为例:

T: Look at this girl. She’s Eape. Let’s know more about her.(观看卡通,了解人物的生存环境,为之后的环节做铺垫与过渡)

T: After the earthquake, they come to a modern city! They he troubles in the city. Let’s he a look.

T: What’s wrong with them? Let’s discuss. Think for a while, and check the answer.

S: They ...

T: So they should learn more about signs. Today let’s help them know some public signs. Use “mean” to ask and answer questions. And know how to use signs. Let’s help them, Ok?

T: Here is a sign(见图1). I can see a kangaroo, what can you see?What does this sign mean?

S: ...

T: Look, we learnt this sign(见图2), but where can we put it?

S: ...

T: So, signs should be...?

S: ...

T: Share your ideas. Clear, meaningful and helpful.

T: Eape designs a sign here(见图3). What does this sign mean? Where can we put it?

S:This is “No cutting down trees”. It means we shouldn’t cut down trees here. I can put it in the forest. Please be good to our forest!

T: Now, let’s design your signs!



中图分类号H319 文献标识码A DOI10 16871j cnki kjwhb 2018 02 075摘要本文采用定量与定性相结合的研究方法,以调查问卷与半结构访谈的形式收集数据,探讨认知驱动教学模.

随着全球化的推进和我国经济改革的不断深化,跨国贸易愈发频繁,越来越多的国际商务人才活跃于全球经济贸易领域 国际商务的迅猛增长,使作为沟通桥梁的商务英语愈发凸显其重要性 在此形势下,国内很多高……院校顺.

【摘 要】朗读是一种由来已久的教学手段,它对于提高学生的英语综合能力发挥着重要的作用 本文首先简单介绍了朗读的理论基础“语言输入” 理论,接着指出朗读过程中需注意的主要环节如重.

随着全球化的进一步发展,国家与国家之间的联系日益紧密,所以说,在世界范围内“合作”被广泛提及,社会越来越需要懂得合作的人才 因此,在对学生的培养当中,要从小关注对于学生合作能力.